Uniform Policy
Heritage Academy School Uniform Overview
In an effort to provide a safe and orderly environment, Heritage Academy has established a dress code requiring students to wear uniforms. Please remember that all clothing items must be consistent in style to the requirements listed below. By enrolling your child at Heritage Academy, you are agreeing to have him/her abide by the dress code.
General Guidelines (detailed guidelines are in the dress code policy)
Tan or navy pants, skirts, jumpers, or skorts. Skirts and jumpers must touch the top of the knee. For skirts that do not have built-in shorts, girls must wear thick solid-color tights or leggings.
Solid-colored polo shirts or collared/button-down shirts. Please choose shirts that are these specific colors (preferred – Navy blue, emerald green, sunshine yellow and white; allowed – other shades of blue, green and yellow).
No logos or different colored trim (shirts and pants must be solid color)
Solid colored turtlenecks, tanks and long or short sleeved tees may be worn under approved polo or collared button-down shirt for warmth.
Solid-color traditional crew or v-neck sweater or cardigan in white or navy blue (no writing or logos other than Heritage Academy are allowed) may be worn over polo or collared button-down shirts. Solid navy blue pullover or zip up hoodies are allowed. (No logos or hoodies that are not solid navy blue)
Shoes that are conducive to any school activity; No backless or open-toed sandals/shoes will be allowed, includes clogs, flip flops, etc.
No hoods or hats inside the school (head coverings worn for religious observance are allowed)
For grades 6-8, girls may wear light foundation or concealer; lip gloss and light eye make-up.
The following are unacceptable:
Hats or head coverings (bandanas or scarves worn over entire head) (exception made for medical/religious purposes).
Dangling or large jewelry, including, hoop earrings, chains and long belts.
For grades K-5, makeup, including hair paint (students may wear lip balm or clear lip gloss).
Visible tattoos or body piercing, except earrings (limited to one piercing per ear).
On special incentive days, clothing must be modest and appropriate for school. Clothing with obscene language or references to alcohol, drugs or any criminal activity will result in a suspension from school.
If an item does not meet requirements, the student will be asked to change clothes. This does not apply to seasonal coats used outside.