Target has 30% off uniforms!
15 days ago, Mrs. Burnham
weekly add
We are excited to see all returning and new students!
20 days ago, Mrs. Burnham
back to school
Look for us in the parade!
25 days ago, Mrs. Burnham
parade float
parade float
parade float
parade float
26 days ago, Mrs. Burnham
school supplies
This is a great opportunity if you are in need of some help with school supplies!
about 1 month ago, Mrs. Burnham
This week wraps up the end of our summer enrichment classes. Ms. Hunt, Mr. Ivie and myself (Mrs. Burnham) are thankful we had the opportunity to share our love and knowledge of the arts with our students and we hope they enjoyed it as well! Drama class will have two performances. Tomorrow (24th) and Thursday (25th) at 9:45am in the Falcon Community Center. Everyone is welcome to come watch! Students acting in the play will need to arrive by 9:30 both days.
about 1 month ago, Mrs. Burnham
collage of photos
Thinking about school supply shopping? Don’t forget about uniforms! Amazon is running their Prime Day sales and they have some amazing deals on polo shirts! Here is just one link, but there’s more if you search polo shirts. Remember, our shirt colors are blue, green, yellow, or white.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
uniform examples
uniform examples
This week the photography students learned about shutter speed and how moving objects look very different when using slow vs. fast shutter speeds. Today the students got to practice what they learned.
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
practicing shutter speed
practicing shutter speed
practicing shutter speed
practicing shutter speed
Reminder: There will not be any summer enrichment classes this week due to the holiday. Classes will resume on July 8th. Have a fun and safe 4th of July!
2 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
4th of July
Stores will be stocking their "Back to School" shelves before we know it! Click the link to view of school supply list.
2 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
school supplies in backpack
Pablo Jr. has made it to Maine! He's found the Atlantic Ocean and his lunch he just has to figure out how to eat it! Yum!
2 months ago, Tara Wicker
Pablo looking at the ocean
Pablo looking at his lunch lobster
Pablo Jr. takes in some fun, historical sights in Boston, Massachusetts.
3 months ago, Tara Wicker
Pablo and Mrs. Wicker enjoying the history of Boston .
Pablo and Paul Revere.
Pablo Jr. continues his worldwide travel with an airplane trip to Boston...even though his flight is super late, he can't wait!
3 months ago, Tara Wicker
Pablo and Mrs. Wicker waiting for take off.
Ms. Hunt's Summer Enrichment Theater performers are preparing their costumes for the production of The Wizard of Oz
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
Ms. Hunt is looking to acquire some costumes and props for the summer enrichment class. Students will be rehearsing and performing a musical of the Wizard of Oz. If you have anything you could donate or let us borrow please reach out to Ms. Hunt!
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
wizard of oz
wizard of oz
We have some exciting news! Another class has been added to our Summer Enrichment Program! Classes include: Drama/Theater with Ms. Hunt on Mondays & Wednesdays Music-(guitar/drums) with Mr. Ivie on Tuesdays & Thursdays And Digital Photography with Mrs. Burnham on Tuesdays & Thursday Classes begin this Monday, June 10th and end July 25th (with a week off for 4th of July) Classes go from 9:30am-11:30 and a lunch will be provided (transportation is not) The Summer Enrichment Program is offered to all of our upcoming 5th-8th graders (and our recently graduated 8th graders) Students may choose one or two classes (if they fall on alternate days) Contact Mrs. Burnham if you are interested in signing up! We look forward to seeing you
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
camera clipart
drums clipart
wizard of oz
The Summer Lunch Program starts today! Heritage Academy will be a flexible service site. This means you can grab and go, or you can eat on site! Also, starting June 6th, you can pre-register to receive grab and go breakfast and lunch for Friday-Sunday!!
3 months ago, Nohely Gonzalez
Cake pops from Mrs. Burnham to commemorate a fun year of art exploration 🎨🖌️
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
1st graders eating cake pops
3rd graders eating cake pops
2nd graders eating cake pops
Our student council students celebrating their hard years work and giving Mr. Carver one last HooRah as a Heritage Academy Falcon"
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
Tiger zone fun
The 8th graders had a blast celebrating after graduation last week! Thank you Jerome Tiger Zone for having us!
3 months ago, Mrs. Burnham
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!
Tiger zone fun!