Heritage Academy Student Council is busying working on a 2022-23 yearbook. The cost will be $20. Orders are due by May 4th. Order forms are located at the front office.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Burnham
Yearbook Sales Flyer
Please join us for our Annual Cinco de Mayo Fundraising Event! All community members are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Burnham
cinco de mayo flyer
The Heritage Academy Book Cluster is doing a book drive and asking for donations of school appropriate books to raffle off at our Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. If you have any books you would like to donate please send in with your students or drop them off at the office. Deadline is April 27th. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Burnham
clipart of a book and flowers
2nd Grade learning how to do research and use non fiction informational texts.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs.Walker
Thinking about what to write
Having fun and learning
National Geographic Kids helps us find information
Getting cozy is critical to good research.
ID Lottery gives back to education!
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Mr. Paul Johnson waves over an official with our Middle School count in-hand.
Heritage Academy Elementary School team is all smiles, radiating joy!
Golden Opportunities to apply for monthly.
More opportunities for educators to rally resources for education .
More Scratch Off fun by Falcon staff!
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
The race is on!  Stretch before scratching for 5 minutes!
Poised & ready… to scratch!
“Wonder Twins” activate the winnings.  Time to manifest the blessings !
Mrs. Reyes counted up the number of tickets scratched by Ms. Walters & Ms. Hunt.
Bravo Team Heritage Academy! The Great Scratch Off was at CSI in Twin Falls, ID. Representing the Elementary School was Renette Reyes, Arianna Walters, & Dorothy Hunt! Representing the Middle School was our resident “hot hand” Debbie Johnson, Debbie’s husband (Paul), & myself. Debbie had the “Midas Touch”- Re: she scratched a ticket worth $500! Way to step up team!!! I’m proud to be a Falcon!!!
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Ms. Hunt & Ms. Walters are a dynamic duo!
Heritage Academy won big!
Our 3 Elementary School representatives.
Mrs. Johnson had the “Midas Touch”!  $500!
Check out these inspirational self-portraits done in the Impressionistic style! We have true artists in Reader’s Theater!
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
This self-portrait looks like a mirror image!
Genevieve models her true talent!
Genevieve is copying her likeness from a still photograph .
Mathew, you look marvelous !
Reader’s Theater is venturing into textiles for our next medium. The original “Jack & the Beanstalk” play starring Abbot & Costello took place during the Depression era. Consequently, we are going to learn how to sew by hand as well as emphasize the importance of recycling! We would appreciate donations of fabric and batting. Thanks in advance!!
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Reader’s Theater is gearing up for our 2nd play.
Time to learn how to sew.  Ms. Hunt’s hand-stitched example.
Basket Weaving learning about Cherokee and the many things they went through.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs.Walker
Having fun and learning
Great color scheme
It’s a little tricky
Hard work pays off
Having fun and learning
Day one of Spirit Week: Crazy hair day! We have some really creative students (and parents)!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Burnham
students with crazy hair
students with crazy hair
students with crazy hair
students with crazy hair
Falcon Spirit Week March 13th-15th Spring Break Here We Come!
almost 2 years ago, Nohely Gonzalez
Falcon Spirit Week
Shout-out to Mrs. Wicker, our illustrious English Language Arts (ELA) teacher. Thanks to Mrs. Wicker we were gifted with the presence of a Shakespearean acting troupe. Middle School students in grades 5-8 got to see a live performance of "Much Ado About Nothing".
almost 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Mrs. Wicker is an example of heroes among us!
Marquee sign for the Boise-based acting troupe.
The actors and actresses of the Shakespearean traveling troupe.
Hear ye, hear ye… Reader’s Theater has been gifted our own “resident techie”! Joseph has volunteered to piece together an iMovie via an Independent Study. Gotta’ love his initiative!!!
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Joseph is a budding master at his “techie trade”!
2nd Graders are learning to draw quadrilaterals and triangles on mini geo boards.
about 2 years ago, Mrs.Walker
Drawing straight lines
Very busy
Nice job using a ruler
Busy minds at work
Our makeshift stone castle is getting upgraded by some Reader’s Theater participants.
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Tanner was the first to begin “design mode” in masonry.
JT channeled Gestalt Therapy, while sponge painting.
Ms. “Happy Hunt” looks like a damsel in distress.  LOL!
This next week in Reader’s Theater, kiddos will explore “masonry”. It’s time to design and build the Giant’s castle. We are going for an authentic stone castle, using sponge paints and pre-cut templates. The model is prepped and ready. Our rocks will have texture and reflect a variety of sediment!
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Cardboard panels
Hunt’s model or example
Big day in 6th grade Science class- Re: lab with “burning question” (Q): How do molecules from food and air get to the cells in the body? Scientists will need to breakdown intake and reconfigure molecules to pass through the villi, alveoli, & cell membranes. Then they will need to back it up with evidence!!! (part 2)
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Station #4
Station #5
Station #6
Big day in 6th grade Science class- Re: lab with “burning question” (Q): How do molecules from food and air get to the cells in the body? Scientists will need to breakdown intake and reconfigure molecules to pass through the villi, alveoli, & cell membranes. Then they will need to back it up with evidence!!! (part 1)
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
Documenting evidence .
Station #1
Station #2
Station #3
There are heroes among us! Thanks Nicole & Teri (cooks) for helping me gather supplies for taste tests in 6th grade Science. Amino acids rock and help us with metabolism!!!
about 2 years ago, T.Hunt Middle School Moments
This “power pair” serves up the “rainbow”!
Scientists-in-training are about to embark on a taste test!